Cross training

The Cross training is strength and conditioning exercise based on high intensity and variety of exercises.

These type of exercise can increase your muscle  endurance, stamina, flexibility, the mobility of your muscles and joints.

Exercises come from well know exercises such as a squat, push ups, pull ups,  which we can adjust to all.

It all comes with the proper technique which will be always shown and described that is our goal, especially for beginners. Not everybody can do all exercises letś say from the Gymnastic, Weightlifting but that is OK we can adjust or change the exercises to fit their needs.

Cross training is similar to  Circuit Training, combination of  Strength exercises, Gymnastic, Bodyweight exercises, Kettlebell exercises, Medicine ball exercises, TRX exercises and many more

Who is it for:  basically for everyone, with proper training supervision exercise, can be the modification to all ages. The goal is to improve our physical and mental health not another way around

How is it done:

  •  Warm- up 5 min
  •  Dynamic warm- up 5min
  • Conditioning phase 30-40 min
  •  Static stretching       10 min